Tenant background checks are commonly used by landlords and property management companies to verify a potential tenant’s identity and whether or not anything in past records might indicate a problem (i.e. a history of evictions). Background checks for renters can vary based on the information each landlord wants to see, but generally it includes the following.
Criminal Record Check
Having a criminal record doesn’t automatically prevent a tenant from being able to rent an apartment – the decision is up to the landlord If a landlord chooses to deny an application based on a tenant background check.
Previous Landlord References
When performing background checks for renters, landlords ask for references from previous landlords. We make sure to dig deep to find answers to reference questions like how long the tenant rented, if rent was paid on time, if the property was taken care of properly, and if the tenant was clean. Landlords also get detailed information like if the tenant was ever evicted or sued for eviction.
Employment History
A landlord will also be provided with a tenant’s employment history. This allows the landlord to confirm if the tenant is currently employed and see if the tenant ever had extensive periods of unemployment. Additionally, a landlord can also speak to the tenant’s employer to ensure he/she is responsible and trustworthy.
Tenant background checks usually review potential tenants’ criminal history and proof of income as well as eviction and employment histories. While landlords are unable to discriminate against a tenant, they may not allow the tenant to rent from them if something negative appears on the tenant’s background check. WE HELP YOU MAKE A WISE DECISION REGARDING WHO YOU ACCEPT AS A TENANT.